
NHRC conducts virtual exhibition in US

NHRC conducts virtual exhibition in US By Qatar Day - July 18, 2021

NHRC conducts virtual exhibition in US

The National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) has concluded a virtual exhibition ‘Unity of Humanity: Exploring Universal Values through Islamic Calligraphy,’ in Washington. It was organized in partnership with the Qatar America Institute for Culture.

The exhibition started in September 2020 and its last part was an Arabic Calligraphy Exhibition on ‘Human Rights in Islamic Culture’.

The NHRC said that the events witnessed a public presence, and the Embassy of the State of Qatar in the United States of America, a large number of leaders of prestigious think tanks in Washington, directors of cultural institutions, representatives of international organizations and civil society organizations participated in them.  At the conclusion of the virtual exhibition, NHRC Secretary-General Maryam Abdullah Al Attiyah said that the NHRC through this exhibition intended to highlight Islamic civilization and its embrace of human rights principles since the dawn of Islam to the present day.

She pointed out that Islam is a religion of moderation contrary to what was promoted by many societies, adding the moderate Islamic approach called, hundreds of years ago, for respect of human dignity away from any ethnic, racial or religious approaches. 

She added that this exhibition, in its various editions, was able to attract a wide segment of the elite of European societies, and many different cultures. 

The NHRC Secretary-General added that the reactions of the visitors to the exhibition were positive, especially after they found that Qur’anic verses and honorable hadiths urged respect for human rights hundreds of years ago and before they were codified in international conventions and charters, changed the stereotyped image that some circles portrayed about Islam, and they realized the fact that Islam is a religion of peace, a religion of spreading love and peace among all human races. 

The exhibition, she said, enriches dialogue and understanding between all religions and establishes the universality of human rights in all divine messages, by addressing the most important ideas and principles that explain the truth of Islam with a sophisticated artistic message, stressing at the same time that it promotes a sublime message about Islam being a religion of peace and tolerance. 

Al Attiyah noted the ability of art to educate peoples, saying from this came the importance of this exhibition in introducing people to the status of human rights in Islam, describing the exhibition as an important step for spreading a culture of tolerance through dialogue and spreading a culture of peace in the world. 

She stressed that the NHRC will remain keen on consolidating the values of peace and the lofty principles of human rights within the context of its objectives, tasks and competencies, noting that the promotion of human rights principles is possible in all political, social, religious, cultural, sports aspects and other aspects of this universe, and that the NHRC enters all these pillars of life from all human rights angles in order to extract messages that preserve and preserve human dignity. 

By Qatar Day - July 18, 2021

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