11:21:59 AM     Tue, March 18, 2025

Hashish confiscated at the border crossing in Abu Samra

Hashish confiscated at the border crossing in Abu Samra By Mohamed Suhaib - March 27, 2023
Hashish confiscated at the border crossing in Abu Samra

Hashish confiscated at the border crossing in Abu Samra

The Land Customs Administration (Abusamra border port) was able to seize the smuggling of narcotic hashish. The passengers were suspected and when they were inspected, hashish was found with a total weight of 266.57 g. Accordingly.

A seizure report was created after calling the security authorities in charge of receiving these materials.

Customs officials are given all available tools, such as the newest gadgets and ongoing training to analyze passenger body language and be knowledgeable about the most recent smugglers' techniques.

Source: Qatar Customs

By Mohamed Suhaib - March 27, 2023

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