India said on Friday it accidentally fired a missile into Pakistan because of a "technical malfunction" during routine maintenance. "On 9 March 2022, in the course of a routine maintenance, a technical malfunction led to the acciden..
At least 53 mostly Central Americans were killed on Thursday when the truck they were in flipped over in southern Mexico, in one of the worst accidents to befall migrants risking their lives to reach the United States. The trailer broke open and s..
Now the residents can directly report the minor road accidents between two vehicles on Metrash2 application, the parties involved in it do not need to go physically to the traffic investigation services to report the incident.
A penguin has found itself on the shores of New Zealand, at least 3,000 kilometres (1,864 miles) away from its natural habitat of Antarctica. The Adélie penguin, who has now been affectionately named Pingu by locals, was found looking lost ..
There are many great car accident attorneys in Pittsburgh, and being such a big city, it can be hard to narrow it down to one when you need help, fast. You want an accident attorney who is experienced, trustworthy, and can handle everything from star..
A World War II veteran was reunited with three siblings in Italy, nearly eight decades after their paths crossed while the American soldier was hunting Nazis. In 1944, Private First Class Martin Adler was 20 years old and stationed in Italy. H..
• Shamaya Lynn, 21, was on a work related Zoom call at her home outside Orlando • Colleague heard a bang and saw Lynn fall backwards and fail to return on screen • Cops sa...
Alaa Al-Siddiq defended the rights of imprisoned political activists, including her father, Mohammad Al Siddiq. A prominent Emirati dissident and human rights defender was killed in a car crash in London, rights groups said on Sunday. Alaa Al-S..
Qatar Secures Place Among the World's Top 10 Wealthiest Nations
Hamad International Airport Witnesses Record Increase in Passenger Traffic
Saudi Arabia: Any visa holder can now perform Umrah
What are Qatar's Labour Laws on Annual Leave?