
11 Ways to File a Labour Complaint in Qatar

11 Ways to File a Labour Complaint in Qatar By Darlene Regis - February 17, 2022
11 Ways to File a Labour Complaint in Qatar

Filing a Labour Complaint in Qatar: Employment Guide

Are you an expat worker in Qatar and currently facing work-related problems? You are not alone.

Nearly 2 million expatriates from across the world are working in Qatar. Even with strict regulations in place, there are some private employers here who do not pay salaries on time or provide the necessary facilities to their employees.

Many Qatar expats are experiencing the above issues and the good news is: there are support centres and helplines available to protect vulnerable employees in the country. In fact, you can file charges against your employers without disclosing your identity. 

Read also: Did You Know? You Can Submit Labor Complaints in Qatar Anonymously

Make your voice heard and sort your employment concern before it gets worse or remain unresolved. Here are 11 ways to file an official labour complaint against your employer:

1. SMS to MADLSA Hotline Number

Let your concerns reach the Ministry. Your complaints and feedback regarding your employer or company (salary, food, accommodation, etc.) can now reach the Ministry of Administrative Development Labour and Social Affairs (MADLSA) - Qatar. 

Follow the steps below and send an SMS to 92727 or call 40280660. This service is available in multiple languages and is open 24 hours.

2. Unified Platform

MADLSA now makes it easier for you to file a complaint against your company through the Unified Platform for Work-Related Complaints and Disputes.

ADLSA Complaints and Whistleblower Portal is the new channel that will serve as the voice of workers who are mistreated, underpaid, harassed, disrespected, or neglected by their employers in Qatar.

How can you access and use this portal? Read this article: How to Use Qatar's New Unified Platform to File a Complaint Against an Employer?

For Residents and Citizens:

To file a complaint with employees, private workers, and domestic workers and to file a report on public violations of the Labour Law via the unified complaints and reports platform, please follow the following steps:

Step 1: Visit 

Step 2: In the Main Page, choose between the two below:

- File a complaint

- Submit a whistleblower

3. Amerni Mobile App

Amerni application allows you to benefit from the services provided by MADLSA through simple steps.

With 33 online services, the app targets all segments of society and serves citizens and residents who work in the private sector. It also caters to laborers, drivers, and domestic workers. Furthermore, it serves owners and representatives of private sector establishments.

The program aims to provide citizens and residents of Qatar access to the services of MADLSA in an easy and accessible manner.

Follow the steps below to file a labour complaint via the Amerni App:

1. Download Amerni app through:

Apple store:


2. Log-in using your Tawtheeq (NAS) account.

3. On the home page, click on the "Submit Labour Complaint" icon

4. Select the language and enter the complaint details

4. MADLSA Hotline Number

The below Ministry of Labour hotlines allows workers to file a complaint:

16008 - to raise a complaint

40280660 - to report violations regarding worker's accommodation conditions

5. E-mail Helpline

Send an e-mail to MADLSA for labour complaints via this address: 

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6. MADLSA Self-Service Kiosks

You can also submit your complaints anonymously through MADLSA's multilingual self-service kiosks placed around Qatar.

These kiosks are offering services in 10 languages including Arabic, English, Nepalese, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Tamil, etc.

7. MADLSA Offices

Instead of going to the Labour Court, you may approach MADLSA offices where there is a section to register your employment complaints.

You can visit the Labour Department Offices to raise a complaint in-person in the following locations:

• Industrial Area (location map)

• Al-Shahaniya (location map)

Follow the below steps to make a direct complaint with the MADLSA office:

1. Provide the full company name and location

2. Get the contact number of the company's manager or the Mandoob's number

3. Provide your passport and Qatar ID

4. Visit the Labour Department Office

5. On reaching the office, fill out the complaint form

6. Submit the form with the labour inspector

7. Explain your complaint and provide any documents if you received 

NOTE: After investigating your complaint, the Labour Department will try its best to resolve the issue without referring it to the court. The Department will then contact the employer and request for proofs and documents if required. If a resolution cannot be reached, the case will be forwarded to the Labour Court.

8. Ministry Website Form

Submit your complaints and suggestions using the contract form on the MADLSA website by following the below steps:

1. Go to the Complaints Page on the Ministry of Labour Website

2. Choose the type as "Complaint"

3. Enter your name, phone number, and e-mail

4. Provide the details of your complaint including the Qatar ID number

5. Click on "Submit"

9. National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) Website

You may also submit a complaint via the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC).

NHRC monitors the human rights situation within Qatar, receives complaints, and tries to find solutions through mediation with the concerned authorities.

The organization is established for the protection and promotion of human rights for everyone (citizens, residents, and transit travellers), subject to the jurisdiction of the State of Qatar.

Here’s how to file a complaint through NHRC:

1. Go to NHRC website's Complaint Form Page

2. If you don't have an account, click on "Register Now"

3. Register with details like Name, QID/Passport, Contact Number, E-mail, etc.

4. Once registration, log-in to submit the complaint form.

10. NHRC E-mail or Fax

You may send the complaint form to NHRC via e-mail or fax by following the below steps:

1. Download the Complaint Form from NHRC website

2. Take a print out of the form

3. Complete the form with contact information

4. For Qataris: Attach a copy of your ID card

For non-Qataris: Attach a copy of your passport or visa

5. Attach any related documents to support your complaint

6. Send your complaint via fax or email address

NHRC Telephone: 00974-44948844

NHRC SMS Number: 119

NHRC Email:

NHRC Fax: 00974-44444013

11. NHRC Labour Complaint Office

11. NHRC Labour Complaint Office

You may visit the office of National Human Rights Commission directly to submit the printed complaint form, document copies and any supporting documents (as explained above).
NHRC Office is located in Fereej Abdulaziz (Nasser Bin Khalid intersection, behind Doha Petrol Station, Otabi Tower). Check its location map here.

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By Darlene Regis - February 17, 2022

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