Qatar Secures 5th Place Globally for Most Improved Nations in UN EGDI 2024

Qatar Secures 5th Place Globally for Most Improved Nations in UN EGDI 2024 By Nabilah Fairuz Shofa - September 19, 2024
Qatar Secures 5th Place Globally for Most Improved Nations in UN EGDI 2024

Qatar Secures 5th Place Globally for Most Improved Nations in UN EGDI 2024

The State of Qatar has made a remarkable advancement in the 2024 United Nations E-Government Development Index (EGDI), moving from 78th to 53rd position among 193 nations.

This index, published biennially by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, evaluates the efficiency of government e-services in improving the lives of individuals and businesses, as well as the overall progress of e-governments globally.

In the 2024 report, Qatar ranked 5th globally in terms of improvement, advancing by 25 positions, and also secured 5th place in the Telecommunications Infrastructure Index (TII), with a 37-position leap.

Qatar showed significant progress in the Online Services Index (OSI), ranking 58th after moving up 27 places.

Moreover, the country improved by 15 spots in the Human Capital Index (HCI), now standing at 90th.

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) launched a strategic initiative in partnership with government agencies to elevate Qatar’s standing in the EGDI. This included a thorough review of Qatar’s performance in the UN index, pinpointing key areas for enhancement.

An action plan was formulated, featuring 29 projects across six core pillars, with the aim of positioning Qatar among the top countries in the index by 2030.

Qatar’s continued progress in the EGDI is expected over the next two years, driven by the launch of its Digital Agenda 2030. This ambitious framework, structured around six strategic pillars, focuses on building an integrated digital government with accessible, transparent services for citizens and businesses; developing a secure and sustainable digital infrastructure; and empowering society to thrive in the global digital arena—all key elements in line with EGDI standards.

The EGDI report, released on Tuesday by the United Nations, assesses the progress of e-government in 193 countries, using an average of three sub-indices: the Online Services Index (OSI), the Telecommunications Infrastructure Index (TII), and the Human Capital Index (HCI).

By Nabilah Fairuz Shofa - September 19, 2024

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