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MoPH lists Omicron variant symptoms and actions to be taken if infected

MoPH lists Omicron variant symptoms and actions to be taken if infected By Darlene Regis - January 12, 2022
MoPH lists Omicron variant symptoms and actions to be taken if infected

Omicron variant symptoms and course of actions to be taken

The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has recently published on its Twitter account, an infographic stating that,"Most people infected with the Omicron variant experience mild or moderate symptoms of Covid-19 and do not need hospital care."

In this guide, it highlighted the common symptoms associated with mild, moderate, and severe coronavirus (Covid-19) infection and outlined the correct course of action to be taken. 

Common symptoms for mild infection: 

Low-grade fever, dry cough, sinus congestion or sinus pressure or runny nose, scratchy or sore throat, loss of taste or smell, headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and fatigue. 

Action to take: 
Isolate yourself and avoid contact with family and other people, take paracetamol to reduce symptoms, keep yourself hydrated and avoid staying in bed for prolonged periods. 

Get tested if you wish: 

Rapid Antigen Self-Test if positive, you may visit an approved medical facility for an official Covid-19 test to obtain a certificate and have your Ehteraz status changed or visit a medical center authorised to do Covid-19 testing. 

Common symptoms for moderate infection:  

High fever, deep cough, chills with repeated shaking, muscle pain, low back pain, fatigue and body aches, and some shortness of breath when moving with oxygen saturation more than or equal to 94% while breathing room air.

Action to take: 

Isolate yourself and avoid contact with family and other people, take paracetamol to reduce symptoms, keep yourself hydrated and avoid staying in bed for prolonged periods. If you are 60 or above or if you have serious chronic conditions like cancer, heart failure, immune-compromised or kidney failure, please call 16000 and ask for further guidance.

Get tested if you wish: 

Rapid Antigen Self-Test if positive, you may visit an approved medical facility for an official Covid-19 test to obtain a certificate and have your Ehteraz status changed or Visit a medical center authorised to do Covid-19 testing. 

Common symptoms for severe infection:  

Chest pain, bluish lips or face, confusion/unresponsiveness, extreme fatigue and body aches, or shortness of breath (even when not exerting yourself) with oxygen saturation less than 94% while breathing room air. 

Action to take:

Individuals with severe symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 should seek medical attention immediately.  Either visit a primary health centre or call 999 if you experiencing life-threatening symptoms.

You can find the same guide below, which is also translated to Arabic:

Source: MoPH

By Darlene Regis - January 12, 2022

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