Can Employers Terminate Workers in Qatar without Notice and End-of-service Benefits?
While working in Qatar, anything can happen to you during your tenure with the company you are connected with.
From the moment you sign an employment contract, your work performance will be evaluated. There’s a possibility for termination any time if you fail to meet your employer’s expectations and you violate any of the company policies and the Qatar Labour Law.
Don’t worry if you got terminated from your job. There are thousands of job opportunities in Qatar where you can apply now with the help of an agency specializing in outsourcing in qatar.
But, is it allowed for your boss to fire you and end your contract without notice and without granting you end-of-service (EOS) benefits?
According to the labour law, he may do so in the following cases:
- If you have been impersonating another person or nationality other than your nationality, submitting false papers, documents and certificates, or committing an error resulting in a serious loss of material to the employer.
- If you have violated more than once the instructions for the safety of workers and establishment despite warning you in writing, provided that the instructions you must follow are written and displayed in a visible place.
- If you have also violated your labor contract or the labor law more than once despite a written warning to you.
- If you are found during work hours under the effect of drugs or alcohol.
- If you assaulted your employer, manager or one of your superiors during work.
- If you repeated your assault on your colleagues even though you were warned in writing.
- If you were absent from work without legitimate reason more than seven consecutive days or fifteen days intermittently during the year.
- If you have a conviction with a final judgment in a crime of honor or honesty.
Did you know that you can also be charged with penalties if you committed any of the above violations? To know more about these charges, read this article: The disciplinary penalties which may be inflicted on the workers for violating employment policies in Qatar
Ready for your new job? If not, seek for professional assistance from an expert in outsourcing in Doha to offer you jobs in Qatar and guide you through the recruitment process.
When an employer is not obliged to pay a worker’s EOS?
Article (56)
• If your employer maintains a retirement system or a similar system which secures for you a greater benefit than the end of service gratuity to which you are entitled under the provisions of Article (54) of this law, shall not be obligated to pay you your end of service gratuity in addition to the benefit available to you under the said system.
• If the net benefit accruing to you under the said system is less than the end of service gratuity, your employer shall pay you the end of service gratuity and return to him any sum whereby you may have contributed to the said system.
• You may choose to receive either your end of service gratuity or your pension accruing to him under the said system.
To calculate your EOS, read this article: How to Calculate End-of-service Gratuity in Qatar and When is it Payable?
Is it permissible to terminate your service during the period of leave from work?
It is not permissible to terminate your contract or even notify you of terminating your service during the period of leave.
On the other hand, you have the right to end your contract under the below terms:
When is it permissible for you to terminate the employment contract?
You may terminate your employment contract whether fixed or indefinite while retaining your right to EOS benefits in the following cases:
- If the employer breaches his obligations under the contract, or violates the labor law.
- If you or a member of your family has committed an attack or an act that is contrary to morality.
- If the employer committed fraud in relation to the terms of the contract.
- If there is a serious risk to your safety or health, provided that the employer is aware of the existence of this danger but did not work to remove it.
If you want to know your rights when your contract is terminated, read this article for your guide: Know Your Rights When You Resign or Get Terminated from Your Job in Qatar
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