What is cyber security?

What is cyber security? By Shahbaz Ahem - January 07, 2022
cyber security

cyber security

Cyber security refers to the process of making protection and recovery methods for computer systems, devices, networks and programs to recover from all kinds of cyberattacks. Attackers typically use these attacks to acquire and misuse sensitive data. As the world becomes more reliant on technology, the importance of effective cybersecurity measures continues to grow. Some of the technologies that have created multiple implications for cybersecurity, in general, include artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain and even Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Cyber security is a growing concern. Cyber-attacks have been increasing year on year, and various types have been seen. Cyber security prevents unauthorized access to information by protecting the infrastructure, systems, networks, and data from cyber-attacks. It is a multi-layered approach which includes preventive measures as well as reactive measures taken based on the cyber threat landscape. In recent years, cyber security has attracted much attention from the public as well as from industries such as finance, healthcare, etc., because of rising number of breaches in these sectors where huge amount of sensitive personal data was compromised.

While the solution is not to be wary of the new technology, we must keep customer data protected while embracing the latest technology. Some of the standard methods to fight against cyber attackers include intelligent cloud security solutions, multi-factor authentication, strong password policies, etc.

What is the importance of cyber security?  

As the world becomes more technologically reliant, it becomes all the more essential to increase protection against instances of cyber attacks on a fundamental level. Over time the nature of major data leaks and identity theft have changed along with the methods employed by the perpetrators. Using proper cyber security measures will more definitely reduce the number of instances of data leaks. Regardless of whether you are a small business owner or work in a big company, your company is always at a risk of some cyberattack because every company is in some or the other way reliant on things like cloud services, IoT, smartphones etc. The importance of cyber security could be gleaned from the fact that governments worldwide are bringing in special regulations and legislation to focus on it.

Cybersecurity is the act of maintaining the computer systems and networks to protect them from unauthorized access. Cybersecurity is a critical issue for all organizations, from the largest multinationals to the smallest startups. Companies that have been hacked experience a range of consequences that can include damaged reputation, regulatory penalties, financial loss, and loss of competitive edge. All companies should take this issue seriously and have a cybersecurity strategy in place.

Cybersecurity is the protection of your online information. It protects you against hacking, identity theft, and other threats that happen when you're connected to the internet.

Why is cybercrime increasing?

Information theft has become the most prominent form of cybercrime. This is primarily because of  the increased disclosure of identity on the web through cloud services. However, identity-related information is not the only target of the attackers. Industrial controls used to manage power grids, or other forms of infrastructure can also be just as easily destroyed or controlled or disrupted by cyber attackers. The hackers can use these industry-related controls to create large scale damage or seek a ransom.

Some of the most common hacking techniques include phishing, trojans, ransomware, bait and switch, spyware, key logging, Fake WAP. Additionally, we all use some form of third party services. There is no guarantee on the quality of these data protection methods employed by these third-party vendors; hence cyber attackers usually target these vendors.

What are the benefits of cyber security? 

Security breaches can damage businesses in multiple ways. Some of the most prominent ways a cyber attack can hurt a business are economic costs, reputation damage and loss of property. The recovery phase can cause disruption in trade, and the cost of repairing damaged systems can be extremely high. The reputational costs which can hurt consumer trust can also cause permanent damage to the business. This is why if you are a student or someone who is looking for a job or just a business owner, you should take an online cyber security course to gain as much knowledge as you can. The importance of these facts is not lost upon students all over, as can be seen from a noticeable surge in many students enrolling in pg programs in cyber security across universities

By Shahbaz Ahem - January 07, 2022
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