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Health Care Program for Elderly Injuries Launched

Health Care Program for Elderly Injuries Launched By Atif Ansari - December 22, 2021

Hamad Medical Corporation

Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) announced the establishment of a health care program for elderly injuries, as a result of the collaborative efforts between the Trauma Unit and the Department of Geriatrics and Long-Term Care of the Corporation.

The program aims to facilitate the proactive evaluation of trauma patients over the age of 65, identifying candidates for a comprehensive assessment of geriatric symptoms, and accelerating the process of providing health care that is appropriate for their conditions and age groups.

The establishment of this initiative comes after scientific data and evidence showed that there is a need to provide specialized health care for elderly patients who are admitted for treatment in the Trauma and Accident Unit, which receives two or three geriatric patients per week.

The impetus for the programme came from Dr Hanadi al-Hamad, national lead for healthy ageing in Qatar, chair of the Geriatric and Long-Term Care Department, and medical director of Rumailah Hospital and Qatar Rehabilitation Institute, following evidence of a need for specialised care to be offered to older patients who have been admitted to the trauma unit. On average the Trauma Unit sees approximately two to three geriatric patients every week.

“As patients age, they do not have the same resources or reserves as younger people, and evidence has shown that geriatric patients have unique vulnerabilities in acute illness or trauma. Research indicates that geriatric trauma patients are more likely to sustain significant injuries, even with lower forces of injury, and are therefore served better when they receive specialised age-appropriate care that takes into account various geriatric syndromes that impact on their ability to respond to treatment,” explained, Dr al- Hamad.

Evidence has shown that 80% of geriatric trauma patients have at least one or more chronic diseases, such as hypertension, arthritis, heart disease, pulmonary disease, cancer, diabetes, or history of stroke. When combined with the altered physiology of increased age described later, these illnesses make geriatric trauma patients less able to tolerate the stress of trauma.

Dr Jorge Passarelli, consultant in Ortho Geriatrics/Trauma Geriatrics at HMC explained that geriatric patients may experience a range of factors that impact their ability to recover from trauma. “Geriatric trauma patients often experience decreased vision and hearing, have decreased muscle mass and/or strength, reduced bone mineral density and poor balance and impaired motor function leading to falls. In addition, they may have impaired cognitive function and are more likely to experience delirium and are at higher risk of adverse drug events.”

“We consulted with colleagues from the Trauma Unit and agreed to establish a regular process where we triage patients over the age of 65 to determine if they require a comprehensive geriatric assessment that will help identify their particular needs and challenges. The assessment is then reflected in a tailored ongoing treatment plan that takes into account the physical and psychosocial aspects of the patient. Part of the ongoing care includes management of the discharge from the Trauma Step-Down Unit, either to another hospital ward, the rehabilitation hospital or the long-term care unit. Where patients are released home, we also arrange for home healthcare services to ensure the patient recovery is monitored.”

Dr Amir Ibrahim Abdalla, consultant geriatrician and director of Acute Geriatrics in the Department of Geriatrics and Long-Term care added: “The programme was initiated in January this year and so far we have had very favourable feedback from all parties, including our geriatric patients, their families and colleagues in the Trauma unit who have welcomed the specialist support from our department.”

Common reasons for trauma in elderly patients include falls from standing height or from a wheelchair, bed or commode that may have been brought on by the patient’s physical environment inside or outside the home or as a result of a physiological issue, such as dizziness or frailty.

By Atif Ansari - December 22, 2021

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