Sleep Disorders: All You Need To Know

Sleep Disorders: All You Need To Know By Larry Alton - July 28, 2021

Sleep Disorders: All You Need To Know

Sleep disorders can affect anyone of any age, gender, race, or class. They are most common in the older adult population and affect millions of people. Some of the more common sleep disorders are listed below. These are by no means an exhaustive list. However, they do provide some of the more common ones.

Sleep Apnea

This is one of the most common sleep disorders. It is characterized by rapid or irregular breathing. The cause is believed to be due to restricted lung volume. Different symptoms include daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, increased daytime drowsiness, morning headaches, irritability, headaches, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, etc. There is also a decreased libido, sexual dysfunction, and feeling fatigued.


This type of sleep disorder is caused by abnormal activity of the brain. Certain neurons fire off excessive amounts of brain chemicals during the nighttime. People who have narcoleptics wake up many times during the night or stay awake for days at a time. Individuals with this type of sleep disorder may feel extremely tired, irritable, and wired throughout the day.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

This is another common sleep disorder that causes excessive sleepiness throughout the night. Sleep apnea can result in obstructive sleep apnea, which is a more serious sleep disorder that results in the stoppage of breath during the night. Treatment for obstructive sleep apnea involves changing several things, including lifestyle and diet. Other treatments include medications, relaxation therapy, surgery, and lifestyle changes.

Narcolepsy And Parasomnias 

Narcolepsy is a condition where the patient finds they cannot sleep because their brain activity is so active. Parasomnias are disorders that cause sensations in the body such as tingling or tickling. Examples of parasomnias include restless legs syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, seasonal affective disorder, and Idiopathic Manic Depressive Disorder. In some cases, patients with narcolepsy and parasomnias also report feeling restless and having hot flashes during the night.

Circadian Rhythm Dyssomnia 

These disorders occur when the body does not adjust to its internal clock. People with circadian rhythm insomnia are often easily fatigued and do not adjust their sleep rhythms to environmental cues that occur at various times throughout the day. People may wake up early or late in the morning due to unusual body cues. Some of these cues, such as caffeine, may lead to insomnia.

Narcoleptic Mania, Cataplexy, And Hypnagogic Hallucinations 

Narcoleptic Mania is an idiopathic condition in which a person can easily lose consciousness and fail to fall asleep, even though they are tired. Cats can be victims of narcoleptic mania, particularly if they have poor cataplexy. On the other hand, people with cataplexy can lose consciousness for many reasons, including being too sleepy or too fatigued. People with cataplexy can fall asleep spontaneously and experience hallucinations while awake. They may start to hear voices and have hallucinations while they are asleep.

Nocturnal Myoclonus

This neurological disorder is characterized by involuntary twitching of the limbs, which occurs mostly during the night. The most common symptoms are the feeling of paralysis and numbness of the legs. People with this condition usually have an abnormal reflex that prevents them from moving their legs while they are asleep. This condition is most common in people with Parkinson's disease or diabetes.

These are the most common sleep disorders that are related to different factors. Although each of these conditions is characterized by different symptoms, most people who suffer from these conditions feel tired during the day even if they take a 25-30 minute nap. That is why it is very important to pay attention to your body's signals so that you can make sure that you will be able to wake up in time if you need to do so. There are also medications available for some of these conditions, but if you want to try alternative treatments, you can also try aromatherapy, relaxation exercises, and proper diet and nutrition. Whatever your choice is, always remember that sleep apnea is a medical emergency, so you need to seek medical help immediately.

The top five most frequent sleep disorders are Insomniacs, sleep apnea, Varicose Spirits, and Narcoleptics. Insomnia is the generic term for a problem getting to sleep or maintaining sleep. There are two types of insomniacs. Short-term and long-term insomnia. Transient or brief-term insomnia, usually brought on by stress; and chronic long-term insomnia, generally caused by underlying medical conditions.


Some researchers believe that sleep disorders, such as insomnia, may be caused by an imbalance in brain chemicals or an evolutionary "neuro-biological" process. Behavioral responses to stressful stimuli can cause people to become deeply relaxed and may cause the body to transition from wakefulness to sleep faster than normal. Such behaviors, which include relaxing and waking up on time, drinking calming beverages, going to sleep, and waking up at night, all are common in people who practice relaxation-based behavioral interventions. To achieve this other factors also need to be considered such as the right mattress, weighted blanket ideally of 35 pounds, comforter, bed frame, etc. 

Many researchers think that sleep disorders, such as insomnia, may also result from underlying physical processes. Insomnia, for instance, can be the result of poor muscle tone and reduced muscle function. Insomnia, or difficulty falling asleep, is a symptom of daytime sleepiness or poor-quality sleep (nonrestorative sleep) and can often lead to daytime sleepiness even when a person does not have a sleep disorder.

Behavioral and cognitive therapies may be helpful in addressing some types of sleep disorders. Self-help guides and CDs are available that address many common issues and help individuals control their own sleep behaviors. These guides can teach people to develop a variety of different types of relaxation techniques, like meditation, visualization, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and other similar practices. These can be effective for people who exhibit certain sleep behaviors that interfere with a good night's sleep. The CDs can teach people to identify and learn different types of deep breathing exercises that can help them relax.

A person with insomnia or chronic difficulty sleeping should seek medical consultation to determine if these symptoms are related to a sleep disorder or are caused by another medical condition. In most cases, a sleep disorder is not the cause of a person's insomnia, but it can sometimes be a contributing factor. Therefore, the cause of a person's trouble sleeping should be investigated so that appropriate treatment can be recommended. The health of an individual's brain is very closely linked to the quality of his or her sleep.


People with insomnia are usually unsure what to do about their problem, so they tend to just "deal" with the symptoms. While this may initially provide some temporary relief, dealing with the underlying causes of sleep disorders can usually eliminate these symptoms and restore peace of mind to the sufferer. It is important to get regular checkups from a doctor in order to make sure that your mental and physical health is up to par. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, then it would be a wise move to consult a medical professional regarding your problem.

By Larry Alton - July 28, 2021

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