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Companies Wanting to Install Electric Charging Units for Vehicles Must Notify MOTC First

Companies Wanting to Install Electric Charging Units for Vehicles Must Notify MOTC First By Ministry of Transport and Communications - November 22, 2020
Companies Wanting to Install Electric Charging Units for Vehicles Must Notify MOTC First

Companies Wanting to Install Electric Charging Units for Vehicles Must Notify MOTC First

The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) stresses that any company wanting to install electric charging units for electric vehicles must coordinate directly with the Technical Affairs Department at the Ministry before going ahead with installing the said units. Companies can simply call 40451275 or email echargerstaskforce@motc.gov.qa.

This comes in implementation of the Electric Vehicle Strategy MOTC developed with the bodies concerned and which includes the standardized specifications and criteria for EVs and charging units already certified by relevant government entities.

The step is meant to ensure all charging units match the approved standards and specifications as well as the country’s plans drawn in this regard by the taskforce in charge of implementing the strategy of installing electric changing units, chaired by MOTC with the membership of the Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation (KAHRAMAA).

The taskforce will be working on issuing a guidebook on the infrastructure relating to EV charging units in Qatar.

MOTC coordinates with several government entities to install and operate EV charging units this year and the coming one. It also coordinates with private sector companies to provide a number of charging units for free – to be installed at locations to be specified by MOTC – and perform periodic maintenance for them.

The Strategy backs the country’s agenda for a greener future and contributes to striking an economic-environmental balance in a way that ensures transportation sector’s infrastructure projects sustainability, supporting economic growth and making the most out of the natural resources by increasing the revenues of oil and gas sectors and developing the means of transportation though deploying clean and alternative energy in step with latest universal eco-friendly systems to reduce carbon emissions and, therefore, create a clean, healthy and safe environment for generations to come.

By Ministry of Transport and Communications - November 22, 2020

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